Poodle Puppies – Standards & Miniatures

About our Serendipite AKC Poodle Puppies
Our goal with every litter is to improve and strengthen the Poodle breed. We do this through careful health testing, sound nutrition, exercise, and by choosing only the finest stud dogs available who have also been carefully health evaluated. Planning a litter is a big job which begins months in advance, so we do not have litters frequently. Our puppies are purposefully bred to be elegant athletes and loyal devoted companions. They are bred to have sound temperaments and good health. Our puppies are active, intelligent, and fun loving. It is a joy to us to be able to share our beautifully bred puppies with approved, loving families.

We usually select only one puppy from each litter to retain as the next step in our breeding program. If we don’t keep a puppy for our own program, we are happy to share our fine puppies with families who simply want the best. The puppies that we do not keep for ourselves are offered to approved families. We use a reservation list and sometimes, you may have to wait for a puppy. However, we will work to reward your patience with a beautiful, healthy Poodle puppy!
When we do have puppies available, they go to pre-approved, loving homes already microchipped and pre-registered as purebred AKC Poodles. The puppies are up to date with current puppy vaccines. Foundations have been set for crate-training, house-breaking, and leash walking. Our puppies are available to go to their new homes at 9 or 10 weeks of age.
Colors & Sizes
Poodle Varieties (Sizes) and Colors
Poodle Varieties (Sizes)
There are three varieties in Poodles, the Standard, the Miniature, and the Toy.
Serendipite breeds two varieties of Poodle – Standards and Miniatures. The AKC breed standard is the same for all three varieties (Standard, Miniature, and Toy) except as regards to heights.
The Standard Poodle is the largest of the three varieties standing over 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulders. Standard Poodles usually need more room for exercise than Miniatures or Toys.
The Miniature Poodle is a medium-sized Poodle standing 15 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches.
The Toy Poodle is 10 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders. You may hear terms such as “Royal Standard”, “Teacup Toy”, or “Tiny Toy Poodle”. AKC will tell you that those terms are marketing gimmicks, used to promote the sale of animals that are dramatically over or under the norm in size.
Poodle Colors
Serendipite Standard Poodles come in solid colors of Black, or White, or Brown. We breed Miniature Poodles in Black only. Serendipite does NOT breed multi-colored Poodles as this would go against the AKC Standard for the breed resulting in disqualification from AKC conformation competitions.
Reputable Breeders
How to Find a Reputable Breeder
First, stop “looking for a puppy” and start “looking for a breeder”. Then wait till a litter is born that matches what you are looking for. A reputable breeder is one that does not breed for profit or with the purpose to “sell” puppies. Their goal should be to improve the breed with each purposefully planned litter. Click on the following link for “Questions to ask Breeders” as suggested by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (Interview Breeders-OFA). Second, do your homework. Do some research about the differences between a Miniature and a Standard Poodle. Third, understand that one of the benefits of selecting a purebred Poodle is that many variables (health and behavior) are more predictable with a purebred Poodle than with mixed-breed dogs.
Before the decision is made for a Serendipite puppy be sure to consider the size of the dog you are interested in. Be aware of the necessary care and grooming requirements, activity level and adequate area for exercise that are all important variables to consider. Have you considered how a new puppy will affect interactions with other pets in your home? Be aware that there will be a need to teach children, no matter what age, how to handle a new puppy.
Puppy Cost
How Much Does a Poodle Puppy Cost?
Serendipite puppies are priced at $3600. Serendipite puppies are finely-bred, quality Poodles which we are selling to discerning Poodle-lovers. No other Poodle breeder makes this quality of puppies available to pet home families or puts the amount of time into in-home foundational training. The difference in quality, health, and beauty between Serendipite Poodles and others is significant.
NOTE: We reserve the right to increase our prices at any time.
Purchasing a Serendipite puppy is NOT an adoption. You are purchasing a quality, well-bred Poodle puppy from a purposefully planned breeding intended to preserve and improve the breed. Our puppies are in high demand and are sold with a legally binding spay/neuter contract and health guarantee.
Limited Registration
AKC Limited Registration
Our Poodle puppies are sold with a spay/neuter contract and with AKC’s limited registration option, which says that although your pet is an AKC-registered purebred dog, it cannot be bred. If it is bred, the offspring cannot be registered with the American Kennel Club.
Spay/Neuter Contract
The Poodle Club of America recommends that you spay or neuter your Poodle puppy. In accordance with the Poodle Club of America’s Code of Ethics, all of our pet puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract. Our pet puppies must be spayed/neutered and are not eligible to be used for breeding purposes.
Spaying or neutering your dog increases its chances of leading a longer, healthier, and happier life. Some dog breeds have higher risk of developing certain cancers and joint disorders if neutered or spayed within their first year of life. Until now, studies had only assessed that risk in a few breeds. A new, 10-year study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, examined 35 dog breeds and found vulnerability from neutering varies greatly depending on the breed. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, under the title of “Suggested Guidelines by Breed for Age of Neutering“. The results of the study recommended that Standard Poodle Males be neutered after 24 months of age and Standard Poodle Females could be spayed at any reasonable time after consultation with your family veterinarian. The recommendations for Miniature Poodles were slightly different. It was recommended that Miniature Poodle Males be neutered beyond 11 months of age and Miniature Poodle Females could be spayed at any time in consultation with your family veterinarian. “When you should neuter your dog to avoid health risks.“
Puppy Reservation
How To Reserve A Poodle Puppy
If you have decided you want a Serendipite Poodle puppy, please complete our application and mail to Patricia Elliot at SerendipitePoodles@gmail.com. When we receive your completed application, we will review it and then schedule a follow-up phone interview.
Once you are approved, a $300 deposit will be required to reserve your place on our Reservation List, noting any requests you may have for color or gender. Please know that we do not add names to our Reservation List until your application has been approved and we have received your deposit. Deposits are 100% refundable up to the point the litter is three weeks old. After that point, we reserve the right to retain the deposit if we need to advertise the puppy or need to hold on to it longer until we have an approved placement.
Picking Your Puppy
Picking Your Puppy
Reservation List
We usually select only one puppy from each litter to retain as the next step in our breeding program. If we don’t keep a puppy for our own program, we are happy to share our fine puppies with approved Poodle-lovers. We work from a reservation list and sometimes, you may have to wait for a puppy.
Matching Puppies with Puppy Owners
Our careful selection process permits us to identify puppy prospects for various puppy owners. Some owners may be looking for a dog who will be a good candidate for performance sports such as obedience or agility, coursing, or disc diving. Other buyers are looking for a playmate for their children or simply a good companion. We employ the Volhard Canine Temperament Aptitude Test to assist us in predicting canine personality traits such as social dominance and submissiveness; prey drive; confidence and independence; and sensitivity to touch, sound and sight stimuli. Results from temperament testing and our own experiences and observations, help to guide us in matching our puppies’ personalities to the prospective homes they are going to.
We reserve the right to select the specific puppy that fulfills the requirements the buyer specified in their application. No buyer is obligated to take a puppy they decide against – even if it matches the specific criteria they requested in their application. In that instance, buyers have the option to wait for a puppy in another litter or have their deposit refunded.
Adult/Retired Poodles
We occasionally will have show and breeding stock that we retire to loving homes to spend the rest of their lives. Please check our Poodles for Sale page for any upcoming availability. There is a lot of demand for our adult Poodles, so they are generally placed quickly.